
21st December - People of different races

After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands.

Revelation 7:9

The sleeping giant of the Anglican Communion - that is a global power. We need the Anglican Communion to look at its strengths, and work to these. In terms of economic development, that must be enshrined in better education and health - ensuring systems to provide equity in the economy of the developing nations, in which the church was established to spread the gospel. Let us show equal compassion and welcome to those of different races who worship alongside us in our own churches as to those we only see on the television news.

The Anglican Community needs to be more than a congregational gathering, instead looking at more developmental issues and missionary work - rather than standing back and watching the dead being buried in developing nations. The Anglican Communion should go back to basics, being more of a Christian society living the life of the Resurrected Christ born of the Virgin Mary. Let's celebrate the coming of Christ the King in our work, and cherish His divine kingdom.

Khaiko Makwela-Wali is a regular congregant at Durham Cathedral

Daily prayer

Lord, help us to welcome our brothers and sisters of other races and traditions, both into our churches here in the UK and also into the Anglican communion throughout the world.


Lord, in this time of Advent open our hearts to those who feel excluded from Your church.
Help us draw in those on the margins and place them in the centre of our family.
